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The Health and Psychological Counseling Center perpetuating its activities in the Middle East Technical University was established as "University Infirmary" in the university building belonging to Retirement Fund located on the Müdafaa Caddesi (1956). Internal Diseases Specialist Baha Arıkan worked as the physician of the institute during that period. The commodity responsible of the University Infirmary offered services as affiliated to the Administrative and Financial Affairs Unit during that period. As the employees of our university worked as affiliated to the Social Security Institution during that period, the medicines required to be purchased from SSI Pharmacy are purchased by the Commodity Responsible and distributed to the concerned. In 1961, the first chief physician of the University Infirmary to be called Health and Psychological Counseling Center (SRM) afterwards, Dr. Salih Tugay take office as the Internal Diseases Specialist. The chief physicians served to SRM since establishment are listed below in order of office;
. Dr. Salih Tugay (Internal Diseases Specialist),
. Dr. Salih Fikret Serdar (Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist),
. Dr. İsmet Eryetişir (Internal Diseases Specialist),
. Dr. Nurettin Kılıçoğlu (Internal Diseases Specialist),
. Dr. Rana Özkan (1981 September - 1981 November / Internal Diseases Specialist),
. Dr. Güler Ekin (1981 November - 1981 December / Psychiatry Specialist),
. Dr. Leon Namer (1982 - 1993 / Internal Diseases Specialist),
. Dr. Feza Korkusuz (1993 - 2013 / Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist)
. Dr. Nusret Taheri (2013 - ... / Microbiology Specialist)
In 1963, after Middle East Technical University moved to the today's campus, the University Infirmary also moved to the campus and renamed as " Health Center" (SM). Established for the purpose of offering health care services to the students and academic staff of METU, the initial physical location SM within today's METU campus was a barracks comprising of two rooms constructed on the field where the Cafeteria currently stands.
In 1967, following the participation of Dr. Leon Namer (Internal Diseases Specialist), whom will be commissioned as chief physician to the Health Center afterwards, the Health Center perpetuated to offer services with two specialist physicians, three retainers and one nurse. In the same year, an Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, a Psychiatry Specialist and a Dentist participated among the staff of SM and the Dentistry Service began to render services as single unit and with a single dentist.
In 1972, the construction works for the main building (currently B Block) that SRM offers services today was initiated with the contributions of the President of METU, Prof. Kemal Kurdaş and the construction was completed in 1975. Upon moving to the new building, the Health Center achieved a system to offer treatment of approximately 30 inpatients.
In 1975, upon participation of Laboratory Assistant Technician Nihat Kentel to SM, the foundation of Laboratory Unit was laid. The first laboratory offered services with one manual blood count device and one urinalysis device.
In 1980, the Ophthalmology Service was established upon furnishing the Health center with an ophthalmologic unit device and Hikmet Yücesan take office as the first ophthalmologist.
In 1982, the Health, Culture and Sports Department of METU was established in accordance with the 2457 numbered YÖK (Higher Education Council) Law and starting from 1985, the Psychiatry Unit was formed under the structure of SM comprising of one psychiatry Specialist, one clinical psychologist, one psychologist and one social worker. Upon establishment of the Psychiatry Unit, the METU Health Center (SM) was renamed as Health and Psychological Counseling Center (SRM).
In 1983, as the procurement of machinery, equipment and consumables required for services offered in SRM increases, the Commodity Responsible began to offer services as affiliated to SRM. Together with this, the Accrual service formed for the purpose of executing the transactions related with treatment procedures commenced its activities with İbrahim Çelik. The Accrual Service currently executes the tasks of inspecting the invoices and prescriptions belonging to hospitals, pharmacies and optics for payment of the treatment expenses of students and staff of our university and the persons that the staff is responsible from and issuance of accrual memorandums to the Budget Department in order to effect the payment. Furthermore, the first application on health care carnet with autocopy in Turkey was initiated in the Accrual Service of our University after the Retirement Fund.
In 1984, the Dentistry Service began to offer services with two units and two dentists.
In 1985, a new block (currently A Block) was constructed as addition to the main building (currently B Block) where SRM offered services and Patient Registry Reception (HKK) Unit was established. The Accrual Service offering services with one personnel until this year increased the number of employees to 3 and in addition the scope of assignment of this service was expended. Logging of all information by implementation of computer system, pursuit of treatment of retired staff and preparation of annual statistical data was included within the scope of assignment. Currently, the accrual service comprises of 6 personnel.
In 1987, the Radiology Unit commenced its activities with one Radiology Specialist physician and one Radiology Technician. Later, Ultrasonography, Mammography and Bone dosimeter measurement devices are added to this unit and the Radiology Unit achieved its current position. In addition, one automatic blood count device and one biochemistry auto analysis device was purchased with the loan granted by World Islam Bank this year. The Unit is now able to observe nine parameter Biochemistry analysis instead of former seven parameter Biochemistry analysis.
In 1993, upon participation of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology Specialist Dr. Nusret Taheri among the staff of SRM, the Microbiology Unit was attached to the Laboratory and the Laboratory began to offer services as Microbiology and Biochemistry Laboratory. As of this date, Dr. Taheri assumed the position of laboratory responsible. In the same year, Dr. Ertan Konukseven was appointed as first Deputy Chief Physician of SRM. After this year the Property Unit comprising of Commodity Responsible, Warehouse Responsible, Maintenance/ Calibration Technician, Auxiliary Staff and Secretary was established under the supervision of Ahmet Gün. This unit offers its services as affiliated to the deputy Chief Physician, as shown in the Organization Chart.
In 1994, the Education commission commenced its activities. The studies commenced with a team of two comprising from Dr. Özgün Örmeci and Dr. Cemile Ertan had become a commission to include eight members. The initial studies was in the form of seminars for staff and students and the University and was implemented within the dormitories region, later such studies become widespread and upon contributions of PDRM, moved to the Culture and Congress Center and addresses a broader community. Under the scope of in - service training, seminars to include at least 10 variable issues and oriented towards the physicians and auxiliary health care professionals was organized and some of these studies included practical studies. In addition, the automation studies of Health and Psychological Counseling Center was initiated within this year under the supervision of Dr. Mehmet Tümer and his rectorship assistant. The first PC was purchased in 1994 and thus SRM was granted internet access and the first steps to store the data in the computers was undertaken. Before this date, in 1984, total of three Apple Macintosh brand computers was purchased for accrual and property units which was used for logging records for follow-up purposes within the internal operation of the mentioned units, thanks to the efforts of Chief of Accrual Unit, İbrahim Çelik (SRM did not have internet access and network structure in that period). Within the same year, the Intervention Room under the administration of Dr. Cemile Ertan was available for service. 2 surgical nurses work in the intervention room covering all requirements of physicians with surgical branch. All surgical interventions that could be performed with local anesthesia can be made by Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, Orthopedics, Ophthalmology and Dermatology branches. In addition, the family physicians perform upper gastro intestinal system (GIS) examinations, anascopy and rectoscopy attempts.
In 1995, in addition to the preventive medicine, dental inspections within sterile environment, X - ray film, Endodonty treatments, tooth extraction and several surgical attempts are performed by three dentists in the dentistry unit equipped with advanced devices and the C Block entered into service this year was extended in 1999 by addition of laboratory building.
In 1996, the Dentistry Service begins to offer services with 4 units and 5 dentists upon procurement of the fourth unit.
In 1996 Dr. Mehmet Ungan was also appointed as deputy Chief Physician and the functions, authorities and responsibilities of the deputy Chief Physicians was categorized under tow titles. Within this year 4 computers was procured by Data Processing and Automation Unit and the utilization of computers become widespread and then, in 1997, 14 computers and one server was procured and the first network structure was formed. The number of computers ach to 94 upon procurements in subsequent years. Currently 3 servers, one acting as mail server, are used in order to assure fast, secure and efficient operation of automation programs. The improvements undertaken in 1996 are not limited with the foregoing. The project prepared by Dr. Nermin Tunçel and Psychologist Dr. Nurdan Alperten in relation with restructuring of Psychological Counseling and Guidance Center was submitted to the office of the President by SRM Chief Physician's Office; following this submittal in May 1997 a Psychological Counseling and Guidance Center (PDR) affiliated to Health and Psychological Counseling Center was established. With the contributions of constantly improving specialist staff, the preservative psychological services were offered as well as treatment services. In addition, our Center applying for the "Inter - Laboratories Comparative Quality Control Program" of Bio-Rad Laboratories achieved its certificate in 1997 and is subject to regular audits thereafter.
Upon participation of PDRM Mathematics Unit in 1997 and PDRM Preparation Unit in 1998, SRM currently offers services on approximately 2600 m 2 indoor area. Furthermore, the Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Unit under the administration of Dr. Sabire Akın began offering services. The FTR Unit engaged its activities with one specialist physician, physiotherapist staff and fundamental physiotherapy tools was enhanced in 1999 by procurement of Muscle Measurement and Exercise (Biodex) Device. In time, the Unit required more space with its specialist staff comprising of one specialist physician, three physiotherapists, and one secretary and increasing service diversity. In the same year, upon participation of Biochemistry and Clinic Biochemistry Specialist, the laboratory staff becomes comprising of two specialist physicians, two biologists, two nurses, four laboratory technicians, two receptionists and three attendants and in 1999 the laboratory moves to its new place (C Block) where it currently offers services. Since then, the laboratory had become a modern laboratory that can perform all biochemistry, microbiology and serology tests.
Upon establishment of PDRM Preparation Unit in 1998, the studies oriented towards adaptation process of freshman of the University to the life in university increase in number and within the same year, the first web page of the Health and Psychological Counseling Center was formed. Since then, the education commission organized meetings with TTB credit rating and offering certificates in 20 different issues under the title of "Contemporary 1 st Level Health Care Services Days" for the physicians working in the institutions offering first level health care services. Within the last year, applied "First Aid" training with certificate was organized under the scope of in - service training and 30 participants was certified after successful completion of the training course.
In 2000, the common objective of the SRM employees was achieving and maintaining a specified standard for the services offered in SRM. Starting from this point of view, in 2000 - 2001, first of all all SRM employees was informed in relation with both requirements and applications of total quality issue and certification process under the supervision of a counseling firm experienced in the field of ISO 9001. Pursuant to this, in accordance with the SRM quality management system establishment project activity plan prepared by the counseling firm, an intensive study to long for approximately 2 years was initiated. Dr. Meltem Üstünsoy was commissioned as Quality Representative for administration of this project. Work groups including quality center, project teams, quality council, and quality spokesman, internal auditors was established. Necessary trainings for the persons commissioned for the quality studies were assured. As a result of the trainings and studies work flow charts, procedures, directives and work definitions (functions, authorities and responsibilities) was accomplished and quality manual was issued. In November 2001, SRM was subjected to 3 - day external audit of an independent international audit firm named TÜV Rheinland and was entitled to hold DIN EN ISO 9001 quality certificate. Certification of the services of SRM with quality, as you can guess, is the initiation of a standard for service. These studies are currently under progress under the supervision of Quality Representative Dentist Ayten Özen since 2002 for the purpose of achieving ISO 9001: 2000 version. In January 2000, upon the request of the Chief Physician's Office, the project of forming Human Resources Management initiated by Psychologist Dr. Nurdan Alperten becomes operable as of January 2001. A Human Resources Assistant was employed and commissioned for assistance to the implementation of the project developed in December 2000. The fundamental function of SRM Human Resources Management can be categorized under four main titles, which are training activities, staff studies, social activities and measurement assessment studies. In 2000, the room currently used by Data Processing and Automation Unit and a new meeting hall was formed and all necessary computers and technical equipment was moved to this room. Each personnel in SRM was given an e-mail address and assured their communication. The Data Processing and Automation Unit offers training courses for SRM staff related to computer operating systems, office applications, web and e-mail applications and automation programs, offers services related with compute based diagnosis and treatment devices (Bone Density, Biodex, EKG) and assures data backup.
In 2002, construction works for more comprehensive place for FTR Unit was initiated in the C Block.
In January 2003, our institution was entitled to hold DIN EN ISO 9001: 2000 quality certificate as a result of the audit performed by an independent international audit firm named TÜV Rheinland.
METU Health and Psychological Counseling Center (SRM) is a First Level Health Care Institution offering health care services to its students, staff, spouses and children of the staff, retired personnel and patients not from the university; pursuing all Medical, Scientific and Technological advancements closely since its establishment. When we observe its historical development since its foundation, we can see that SRM is a constantly developing institution in either physical area, either branching and Laboratory and Radiology fields.