Chief Physician
It ensures that all the services and transactions of the organization are carried out in the best way, in accordance with the laws, by-laws and regulations, within the scope of the authorities and responsibilities given to them by the officials in this regulation, within the understanding of the principle of social service and equality.
To create opportunities for the determination and realization of quality policies and objectives, to ensure that all personnel in SRM act within their duties and authority responsibilities related to quality, to enable project teams to be established and work properly, to measure user and employee satisfaction at regular intervals and to report complaints/suggestions in a healthy manner. to evaluate,
To control the work of the relevant unit chiefs and employees on the observation, examination and laboratory examinations, diagnosis and treatment of the patients, to help them to apply modern scientific methods in these matters, to provide the necessary tools and equipment,
To determine the personnel requirement of the SRM, taking into account staff advancement and place opportunities, and make a proposal to the relevant department.